The Sea is easily accessible from Mas Papabiou offering a variety different landscapes: from beautiful sandy beaches to natural creeks to the bays and marshes of the Camargue. About 50 kilometers away, the Rhone River spills into the Mediterranean Sea in the Camargue, the Wild West of Provence known for bulls, white horses, birds and flamingoes, big sky and lots of water !

Several natural parks

The Parc National des Calanques, around the blue coast, with breathtaking postcard landscapes on the Mediterranean rocks.
Camargue Regional Park, a real ornithological sanctuary with nearly 400 species of birds listed for timeless walks and hikes.

A land full of history

Roman cities more than 2500 years old, Arles and Marseille have survived the centuries and offer architectural treasures of various periods

Cities rich in activities

Numerous visits and discoveries are possible in our cities and villages…always with a lot of energy certainly due to the sun… because we all need the South!

Must-See & Good Plans

Discover Arles with its Romain arena, amphitheater and art galleries. Or come and attend the International photo festival known as the Rencontres de la Photographie

Take a boat to the Frioul Islands and visit the Calanques National Park

Visit the MUCEM and the Fort Saint-Jean in Marseille, get lost on the Canebière and in the old streets of the Panier

Visit the fish market of the Old Port

Taste a bouillabaisse at Chez Michel or have a Sunday brunch at the Intercontinental Hotel

Stroll through Cassis and enjoy an aperitif with the famous white wines from its hillsides…
or taste the delicious, tangy brousse cheeses from Rove

Take a horseback ride at a manade in the Camargue among the bulls and pink flamingos

See the cultivation of rice, visit a salt works, or taste a bourride in Saintes Maries de la Mer

Follow an abrivado in a typical Provencal village

Have fun at the biggest amusement park in the South of France, The OK Corral

And lot more via the Tourist Office of Arles: a city of art and history, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (